A model for the pile partly embedded in Winkler subsoil is set up, the deflection function of the pile is given according to its boundary conditions, and the expression of the total potential energy of the pile-soil system is established. 对于部分埋置于Winkler地基中的桩,首先建立了桩的受力模型,根据边界条件给出了桩的挠曲函数,导出了系统总势能的表达式;
The results show that the general deflection of ultrahigh pillar with initial geometrical imperfections is the product initial deflection function and 1/ ( 1? α) under the load of upper rock mass at elastic stage; 结果表明:处于弹性阶段的超高矿柱,在上覆岩层载荷作用下,其挠度曲线变为在原有初始挠度各对应部分乘以一个放大系数1/(1?α)。
The uniformly valid N-order asymptotic solutions of the deflection and stress function are derived by the singular perturbation method offered in [ 1]. 应用奇异摄动方法导出了挠度和应力函数的一致有效的N阶渐近解。
The deflection trial function is formed by the 24 kinds of particular solutions of the elastic plate_bending control differential equation. 选取薄板弯曲控制微分方程的24类特解序列组合构造挠度试函数。
By means of the deflection function in document, the formula for natural frequency of varying thickness rectangular plate with four free edges on Winkler elastic foundation are presented in the paper by the method of Galerkin, which is more effective for engineering calculation than others. 采用挠度试函数,给出用Galerkin法求解Winkler弹性地基上四边自由的变厚度矩形板的自振频率方程和算式。
A general solution to differential equation for deflection function in bending problem of orthotropic rectangular thin plate on elastic foundation is established. 建立了弹性地基上的正交异性矩形薄板弯曲挠度函数微分方程的一般解。
New equation is derived from an object function by means of initial values af-ter the differential equation of deflection in the simply supported beam with step func-tion, and dirac function is laplace transformed and inverse transformed. 本文对含有阶梯函数、Dirac函数的简支梁挠曲线的四阶微分方程进行Laplace变换,然后再进行逆变换,求出原函数,最后利用边界条件推导并建立连续梁的新三弯矩方程。
In this paper, the deflection curve equation is presented by means of singular function. 本文采用奇异函数建立简支梁的挠曲线方程,进而推出等截面连续梁的三弯矩方程的新形式。
Based on the Winkler elastic foundation model, the total potential energy function for rectangular thin plate element is established. Taking the unit width finite strip in both length and breadth as the deflection function, stiffness equations are obtained by using minimum energy principle. 从Winkler弹性地基模型出发,以单位宽纵横向有限条带为位移模式,建立矩形薄板单元总势能泛函,由最小势能原理导出刚度方程。
In this peper, the approximate deflection function ( x, y) and stress function F ( x, y) which consist of trigonometrical function and polynomial expression are selected. They satisfy part of boundary conditions. 给出由三角函数和多项式组成的近似挠度函数w(x,y)和应力函数F(x,y),它们满足矩形悬臂板的部分边界条件。
The Study on the Deflection of IT Teacher's Cognition to Their Function in High and Elementary School 对中小学信息技术课教师职能认识的偏差分析及对策研究
About Large Deflection of Cubical Spline Function 三次样条函数的大挠度问题
In this paper, the deflection and stress function in terms of trigonometrical function and polynomial expression are first proposed. 本文首先选择由三角函数和多项式组成的挠度函数和应力函数。
One kind of deflection function and application 一类挠度函数及其应用
The calculation of the deflection of the reinforced concrete beam under the long-term function of the dead loads 在静载的长期作用下钢筋混凝土梁的挠度计算
Firstly, the mechanical model of the taped pile was established, proper pile deflection function satisfying the boundary condition was chosen to deduce the total static energy of the system; 首先建立了锥形桩的力学分析模型,并通过选取适合于边界条件的桩的合理挠曲位移函数,导出了系统总势能的表达式;
The deflection pulse response function in the general Duhamel integration is got by using integral transform and the program of corresponding numerical inverse integral is worked out. 采用积分变换的方法,求得了广义Duhamel积分式中的弯沉脉冲响应函数,并编制了相应的数值积分逆变换程序。
Then, by supposing that the deflection function according with the boundary condition and load on the pile were power series of some perturbation parameter, the non-linear large deflection differential equation was transformed to a series of linear differential equations with perturbation approach to be solved. 假设其挠曲函数及桩头荷载为摄动参数的幂级数展开式,采用二次摄动方法将非线性大挠度微分方程化为一系列线性摄动方程求解。
According to deflection function of the beam supported by elastic point of interior, the vibration of slab supported by elastic point of interior were analyzed and got better results, adopting multiple domain approach and Galerkin approach. 以内部为弹性点支承的简支梁的挠度函数为依据,采用multipledomainapproach与Galerkinapproach分析了内部为弹性点支承的四边固支与四边简支矩形板的振动问题,获得了较好的结果。
The problem is simplified to become the solution of two linear algebraic equations of two dimensions by using the minimum potential energy principle and a simple deflection function. Fewer unknowns are involved in the method. 利用最小势能原理和简单的挠度函数.将该问题简化为求解两个二维线性代数方程组。
Taking a fifth-order polynomial as the deflection function w of a non-uniform beam-column, the stiffness coefficient and w can be determined by the principle of minimum potential energy. 取变截面梁柱单元的挠度函数w为五次多项式,用最小势能原理解w及梁柱的刚度系数。
Big Amount of deflection vibration equation of chord is educed from Hamilton smallest function theory, Use singular ingestion theory to get the second approximate explanation of amount of deflection frequency, and analysis the relation error of frequency. 由哈密顿最小作用量原理导出弦的大挠度振动方程,用奇异摄动理论求出挠度频率的第二阶近似解,并对频率的相对误差进行讨论。
Second, the paper study the mechanical model of the thin-wall bent under concentrated load, on the base of various kinds geometric boundary conditions which meet the model, calculate the deflection function expression, establish several key factors which affect the deformation. 2. 其次,研究薄壁件在集中载荷作用下弯曲的力学模型。根据满足模型的各种几何边界条件,计算出其挠度函数表达式,确立影响变形的几种主要因素。
The buckling deflection function is expressed as some functions which contain unknown parameters. 先假设一个脱层位移函数,将其由一些未知参数表示。
The test measures mainly the static strain and deflection of each primary structure of the bridge-craft in the standard design load function. 本试验主要测定造桥机结构在标准设计荷载作用下的静应变和静挠度。
Select the appropriate coordinate system, according to the boundary condition choice of deflection approximate function, according to the structure plastic limit analysis of the theory of bending the limit condition of Component, then derived obtained under the equispaced distributed load function of plastic limit bearing capacity. 选取适当的坐标系,根据边界条件选择挠度的近似函数,按结构塑性极限分析理论中拉弯构件的极限条件,进而推导得出均布荷载作用下的塑性极限承载力。
Based on the force equilibrium and geometric compatibility equation in the middle plane, two governing differential equations expressed by the deflection and Airy stress function are obtained. 通过分析板块中面的平衡方程及位移协调方程,建立了由板位移和Airy应力函数表示的两个微分控制方程。
An axi-symmetric mode and a non-axisymmetric mode are selected as approximate transverse deflection function; the kinetic and potential energy expressions for functionally graded cylindrical thin shells are gained. 进一步选取一个轴对称模态和一个非对称模态作为圆柱壳的近似横向挠度函数,给出了功能梯度薄壁圆柱壳非线性双模态振动的动能和势能表达式。
The governing nonlinear partial differential equations which expressed by stress function and deflection function are obtained using the von Karman theory. Then the nonlinear partial differential equations are transformed into nonlinear ordinary differential equation using Galerkin method. 由大挠度的VonKarman理论建立了以应力函数和挠度函数表示的运动偏微分方程组,再由Galerkin法转化成非线性常微分方程。